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Abstract Expressionism
By: Neal McLaughlin

World War II was a tumultuous and trying time in American history. Not since World War I had the United States populace been forced to endure an uncertainty of what the future would hold for America and her people.

With death and destruction looming everywhere one was to turn, it is almost inconceivable that anything of positive value could emerge from such devastation. The war changed many aspects of American living, personal beliefs and forms of self-expression.

As novelist set out to change the world with the written word, artist, too, began to view the world in a more abstract light, foregoing the more traditional forms of seeing and painting, Abstract Expressionist depicted the world around them as turbulent, hostile and even distorted.

Budding in New York City during the mid- 1940's, abstract painting, or action painting, was a movement that broke away from the influence of Europe and in fact became an important transformation of independence in the American Art Movement.

Abstract Expressionist left behind the moderate, easel bound canvases for a larger, even over-sized surface that was often placed upon the floor. Adhering to their own ideas and rules, abstract artist steered away from the traditional, aesthetic "form" painting and instead utilized the entire canvas with their methods of splattering, dripping and broad brush strokes.

Accidents occurring during the painting process were considered to be an enhancement to the work and were incorporated as part of the overall theme. Abstract Expressionist practiced a variety of techniques to convey their messages. Jackson Pollock, (1912-1956)

whose work has often been referred to as turbulent yet graceful, would create his paintings by placing a large canvas onto his studio floor and then he would pour, toss or splatter his various hues over the entire canvas.

Mark Rothko, (1903-1970) also an action painter, would use saturated colors and broad impasto brush strokes while creating a rhythmic composition through the use of squares and rectangles. Some artist would combine splattering, tossing, dripping and impasto techniques to complete their paintings.

New York was becoming "Abstract City" as more and more artists began to follow the new school of art. Europe, during this period, was also experiencing an increase in abstract expressionist. The Europeans referred to their abstract movement as either tachism, which is French for "spot", which stresses the use of colored patches while Art Informel rejected the use of formal structures and had very close ties to the New York action painting.

The Abstract Expressionism movement had a great run, and by mid 1960's had began to lose its impact on the American art culture. New movements such as Pop Art and Minimalism began to strongly influence the art community and the artists, in keeping with the times, began to engage in the new movement.

However, not every artist abandoned his or her expressionist roots. Many continued to pursue their calling as Abstractionist and some even took the form to new heights of visual and philosophical levels.

Abstract Expressionism, although not dominating today's art scene, is still practiced by many artists. While some still use the traditional abstract painting methods, others have found the use of modern technology to fulfill their ambition. The paint ball gun has been used by many artists to paint upon canvases that have been secured upright and then fired at with various colors of paintballs. Others have even found ways to use the computer to generate works of abstract art, and some will use what ever is at their grasp, from liquid bingo markers to paint- filled spray bottles. Regardless of their technique, one thing remains unchanged: Their need for self-expression.

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Research Links

WebMuseum: Abstract Expressionism

Abstract Expressionism. ... The term Abstract Expressionism was first used by Robert Coates in the March issue of the New Yorker in 1936. ...

ArtLex on Abstract Expressionism

Abstract Expressionism, defined with images of works from art history, great quotations, and links to other resources. ... Critics of Abstract Expressionism: ...

Abstract Expressionism: Artists and their Works

Artcyclopedia Artists by Movement: Abstract Expressionism. Centered in New York City, 1946 to 1960's. Abstract Expressionism is a ...

Abstract Expressionism

... Abstract Expressionism. "A term ... Guston." - From "The Bulfinch Guide to Art History". Further reading on Abstract Expressionism: American ...

Abstract Expressionism

The modern art movement abstract expressionism is discussed at Biddington's Pedigree & Provenance--a words & terms related to fine art & antiques collecting at ...

Abstract expressionism by Andrea Kostyal

home | events | bio | links | contact. nudes - abstract expressionism - still life. webdesign: WESTARIA.

Abstract Expressionism, Masters, Artists, Art History and Visual ...

Abstract Expressionism, Masters, Artists, Art History and Visual Arts, Artist Resources at World Wide Arts ResourcesWorld Wide Arts Resources provides access ...

abstract expressionism on

abstract expressionism, movement of abstract painting that emerged in New York City during the mid-1940s and attained singular prominence in American art in ...

abstract expressionism

encyclopediaEncyclopedia abstract expressionism. ... Related content from HighBeam Research on: abstract expressionism. Abstract Expressionism. (Classroom Use). ...


ABSTRACT EXPRESSIONISM. KEY DATES: 1940-1960s. Emerging in the 1940s in New York City and flourishing in the Fifties, Abstract Expressionism ...

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